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Any signature and acceptance of quotes with SEB ANIMATION
entails the acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale which apply automatically.
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To enable the service provider to carry out its mission, the commissioning entity undertakes to:
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✔ Maintain the service request as established in the validated estimate. In the event of a request for an additional service, an additional estimate will be established.
✔ Give the service provider an order form or a written confirmation (quote or contract dated and signed).
✔Provide all the elements necessary for the successful completion of the event by certifying that you have all the broadcasting rights relating thereto. Only the responsibility of the sponsor can be engaged in this respect.
✔Allow access to the premises at least 4 hours before the start of the service (installation of equipment). The dismantling time is 1 hour.
✔Provide a suitable and sufficient space for the installation of the material of at least 4 meters long and 3 meters deep.
✔Provide two chairs and a length of table (s) of three linear meters at the same place where the equipment will have to be mounted.
✔ Provide a sufficient current source for the operation of the equipment with at least two sockets delivering 16 amperes with earth connection.
✔ Provide one or more meals to the service provider (to be defined according to the service as well as the number of technician (s) on site). Any meal not provided will be invoiced in addition at the rate of 50 € / meal. ✔Collaborate actively to the success of the project by providing the service provider in good time with all the information and documents necessary for the proper understanding of the needs and the proper execution of the services.
✔ Strictly comply with the technical recommendations indicated by the service provider.
✔Guarantee the service provider against any action which could be brought to him for the respect of the intellectual property of the data and information provided or chosen by the commissioning entity. ✔ Pay the amounts due to the service provider on time.
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If necessary, the service provider may intervene in the preparation of the specifications, jointly with the commissioning entity. The service provider will propose an offer containing all the elements requested by the commissioning entity. If no specifications have been initiated by the commissioning entity, the service provider may be required to produce a roadmap in order to jointly validate the progress and expectations of the event. The service provider undertakes to regularly and efficiently inform the commissioning entity of the progress of the performance of the service, in particular, through validations submitted to the commissioning entity (validation of musical choices and any events with titles intended to highlight the highlights of the event).
The service provider undertakes to prepare and carry out its services in accordance with the specifications or the roadmap.
Any reservation must be accompanied by the payment of a deposit defined on the estimate or on the service contract. The reservation is acquired after receipt and effective collection of the deposit. For professionals, the accepted and signed quote should be returned with an order form to the email address
The sponsor must leave a deposit check for the purchase value of the rented equipment. The sponsor is responsible for the rented equipment. In the event of deterioration, loss, theft or destruction, the service provider will cash the deposit check.
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In the event of cancellation by the commissioning entity or for any postponement not granted by the service provider, and this whatever the reason, the commissioning entity will waive the reimbursement of the sums already paid and will have to pay the balance of the benefit.
For any event with orchestra, show, music, disc jockey, a declaration is made by the sponsor to SACEM. The sponsor agrees to pay all rights related to the event.
In the event that the location chosen by the sponsor is not equipped with a sound pressure limiter, the service provider is not responsible for any tinnitus or hearing damage that the sponsor and / or his guests may suffer. The sound level limit may be adjusted in real time during the event by the sponsor. Likewise, in the event of noise pollution from the neighborhood, the service provider is not responsible in the event of a forced sound cut-off. The commissioning entity will be held responsible in the event of intentional, accidental, negligent or clumsy damage to the equipment and will be required to reimburse the service provider for the damage caused. The service provider cannot be held responsible in the event of failure of the electrical installation of the premises. The commissioning entity must ensure that in addition to the power required by other service providers (the caterer in particular), that the electrical installation must be able to deliver an additional 3 kW. This is to cover the needs for the sound system, the lights, 2 computers and the equipment necessary for the service.The service provider's services will end no later than 4:30 a.m. (unless otherwise specified in the estimate or with the consent of both parties) .
In all cases, the possible liability of the service provider may not result in compensation greater than the sum paid by the commissioning entity for the services provided. The service provider will provide its services while respecting the rules of the art in use in the profession, it is expressly agreed that it will only be bound by a general obligation of means.
Any personalized playlist must be communicated to the service provider at least 1 month before the event in order to be able to be analyzed and integrated into the evening's program. It must receive the approval of the service provider who will notify the sponsor by e-mail. In the event that the service provider does not have some of the titles, the sponsor will provide these titles in MP3 format with a sampling rate of 320 Kbits / s. The playlist profile is defined between the sponsor and the service provider before the event. However, the sponsor may intervene with the disc jockey to guide his musical choices. In this case, the disc jockey could not be blamed for frequenting the dance floor. As the appreciation of the music played is relatively subjective, the disc jockey cannot be held responsible for the dissatisfaction of certain guests.
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Unless otherwise specified in the specifications or the roadmap, the maximum end time of the service is 4:30 am. At the express request of the commissioning entity and after agreement of the service provider, the animation may be continued. In this case, any additional hours started will be invoiced 100 € NET unless otherwise indicated in the estimate. The service provider undertakes to provide the service with the equipment stipulated in the estimate accepted by the commissioning entity. In the event that the service provider is unable to perform the service on the day of the event (accident, illness, hospitalization, force majeure, etc.), the service provider will find a colleague to replace him or will reimburse all amounts received. No compensation greater than the amount paid can be claimed by the sponsor.
For a professional sponsor After payment of the deposit on booking, any late payment beyond the due date indicated on the invoice will automatically result in application of law n ° 92-1442 of 31.12. 1992, late payment penalties equal to 13% of the amount excluding tax. For a particular sponsor, after payment of the deposit on booking, the sponsor is required to pay the balance of the amount agreed on the estimate or service contract signed and accepted by the sponsor no later than 31 days before the event by bank transfer or credit card, no later than 45 days if payment of the balance by check.
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In case of dissatisfaction with the musical programming, the sponsor must make it very clear to the disc jockey as soon as he feels the need and indicate the musical line to be implemented. In any case, any service started cannot give rise to a complaint and cannot be the subject of any reimbursement. It is up to the organizers to make their arrangements so that the dancing service and / or activities incumbent on the service provider can begin at the desired time.
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In the event of a dispute between the commissioning entity and the service provider, the commissioning entity is required to settle the full amount of the service before filing a claim. In the event of disagreement, only the Tarascon Commercial Court will be declared competent.
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
GTC as of January 1, 2020
Company registration number: 51924889200035
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